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Skrivet:    ·  Julia
It happens all the time, they take your heart and steal your life and it's as though you feel you've died because you've been killed inside, but yet you're still alive, which means you will survive. Although today you may weep because you're weak and everything seems so bleek and hopeless, the light that you're seeking, it begins to seep in. That's the only thing keeping you from leaping off the motherfreaking deep end. And I'm pulling for you to push through this feeling and with a little time that should do the healing. And by tomorrow you may even feel so good that you're willing to forgive them even after all that shit you been put through.
As time passes, things changes everyday. But wounds, wounds heal but scars still remain the same.
Now I know we said things, did things that we didn't mean and we fall back into the same patterns, same routine.
Maybe our relationship isn't as crazy as it seems. Maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano, all I know is I love you too much to walk away though.
It’s like I'm in the dirt, digging up old hurt. Tried everything to get my mind off you, it won’t work, all it takes is one song on the radio you’re right back on it, reminding me all over again how you fucking just brushed me off and left me so burned.
Oh, you thought it was over. You can just close the chapter and go about your life, like it was nothing.
And I hate to be the bad guy. I just hate to be the bad guy.
You expect me to just get over her?Pretend she never existed? Maybe gone, but she's not forgotten.

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Julia, 16, Södermanland.

Jag är en tjej på snart 16 år från Södermanland. Jag tränar dressyr tillsammans med min medryttarhäst och hoppas att vi inom en snar framtid kommer ut på tävlingsbanorna. Utöver dressyren så hållerjag mycket på med NH/frihetsdressyr, vilket ni kommer få läsa mer om här.

Tilda, 15, Gävleborg.

Hej,jag är en tjej på snart 15 somrar från Gävle och jag håller på med både Hoppning och trav. Ni kommer få följa min väg tillbaka till LA hoppning efter Little Tiffanys skada, och min väg till licsens i trav, men även mycket mer än så. Detta kommer va en blogg om hästar och vardagen för en helt vanlig tonåring.